Disorders Of The Vaginal Flora And Vaginal Infections

Disorders of the vaginal flora and vaginal infections
Many influences can disturb the natural balance in the vagina. If the influences become too strong, the vaginal flora is no longer able to absorb the disturbance and a vaginal infection can occur. In most cases, the number of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina is reduced; often the pH value is also shifted (higher than 4.4). Vaginal discomfort accompanied by itching, burning and discharge can be signs of vaginal infection with bacteria or thrush. These symptoms should be checked by a doctor.

Possible influences that can disturb the vaginal environment:
If you take an antibiotic, e.g. to treat tonsillitis, this can also affect your vaginal flora. The "good" bacteria (such as the lactic acid bacteria) may be affected by the antibiotic. Then "disease-causing" pathogens (for example, fungi) have less competition and can multiply unhindered.
Hormone fluctuations
Hormonal fluctuations can also change the vaginal environment in such a way that infections are favored. This can be the case, for example, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but also when taking the contraceptive pill.
Weakness of the immune system
Stress, mental strain, flu or other infectious diseases are among the factors that occasionally weaken the body's defenses in the intimate area. In this case, fungi and "disease-causing" bacteria have an easy game.
Vaginal Douche
Some women do vaginal douches because they think they can keep the vagina particularly clean. However, such douches are rather harmful and usually worsen the symptoms considerably. The harmful bacteria and fungi cannot be combated in this way. The natural colonization of the vagina with lactic acid bacteria is disturbed and the skin of the vagina is sometimes severely irritated.
Alkaline body fluids
Blood is alkaline, i.e., the pH is 7.4. Thus, any bleeding in the vagina (e.g., menstrual bleeding, spotting, blood residue after surgery) temporarily causes a shift in the pH in the vagina. Sperm (the male seminal fluid) is also alkaline, this is necessary for the motility of sperm (male semen). Amniotic fluid and postpartum flow are also alkaline body fluids. The lactic acid produced by the lactic acid bacteria in the healthy vagina normally balances the alkaline body fluids. In the case of a weakened or disturbed vaginal flora, this balancing does not succeed or is slowed down, and the shift of the pH value in the vagina to values above 4.4 can promote the growth of "pathogenic" pathogens.