Diabetes is a risk factor for Vaginal Dryness

Diabetes is a risk factor for Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness – common intimate health issue in diabetic patients
Many women with diabetes experience problems in the intimate area. Female sexual dysfunction is more prevalent in women with diabetes compared to women without diabetes[1, 2, 3], with about 18 to 42 % affected[1]. Among postmenopausal women vaginal dryness is even more prevalent in women with diabetes as compared to women without diabetes.[4] Possible mechanisms of female sexual dysfunction include damage to nerve fibers and difficulties in arousal resulting in less lubrication or a decrease in vaginal blood flow, both, due to diabetes.[1, 4]
Common symptoms of vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching, burning, minor lesions and soreness in the vagina, the vaginal opening, and the external intimate area. This can bring considerate discomfort in the daily life and relationship with the partner.
Smooth-melting pessary against vaginal dryness
With Dr Wolff’s V-san Moisturising Cremolum, women suffering from vaginal dryness, are getting a chance to manage this intimate problem.
Dr Wolff’s V-san Moisturising Cremolum is a hormone-free pessary and unique in its kind. After insertion in the vagina, it absorbs vaginal fluid and forms a smooth and soothing cream just within 30 minutes. Providing moisture and a lasting soothing effect. Vaginal dryness is noticeably reduced, and the vagina feels soft and supple again.
Hormone-free cream against vaginal dryness
Unlike water-based gels, Dr Wolff’s V-san Moisturising Cream is a cream with a double effect: providing moisture and soothing lipids simultaneously. The cream relieves discomfort and itching – right after the first use
- Common symptoms of vaginal dryne1. Muniyappa, R., et al. (2005). "Diabetes and female sexual dysfunction: Moving beyond "benign neglect"." Current Diabetes Reports 5(3): 230-236.
- Enzlin, P., et al. (2002). "Sexual Dysfunction in Women With Type 1 Diabetes." A controlled study 25 (4): 672-677.
- Erol, B., et al. (2002). "Sexual dysfunction in type II diabetic females: a comparative study." J Sex Marital Ther 28 Suppl 1: 55-62.
- Huang, A. J., et al. (2010). "Vaginal symptoms in postmenopausal women: self-reported severity, natural history, and risk factors." Menopause 17(1): 121-126.